Privacy Policy

MEURENS & RODRIGUES srl is committed to safeguarding your privacy and consistently operates in accordance with the provisions of Belgian and European privacy laws, including the law of December 8, 1992, concerning the protection of privacy in the processing of personal data.

We encourage you to carefully review our privacy policy, as well as the terms applicable to our various products and services. This privacy policy applies to all our customers and visitors to our websites, as well as users of our mobile application. Additional conditions may apply to specific services.

By using our website, mobile application, and the products and services offered by MEURENS & RODRIGUES srl, you expressly agree to how MEURENS & RODRIGUES srl collects and processes personal data.


1/ Data Controller

MEURENS & RODRIGUES srl is the data controller for your personal data.


2/ Safety

MEURENS & RODRIGUES srl is committed to taking all necessary technical and organizational measures to: protect the information and personal data collected against destruction, loss, unintentional alteration, damage, accidental or unauthorized access, or any other unauthorized processing of personal data.

The number of employees with access to your personal information is limited, and such access occurs only to the extent necessary for the performance of their duties.

The personal information we collect is stored in a secure environment. Individuals working for us are obligated to respect the confidentiality of your information and its use.

There is a sharing of collected data with third parties: structural sponsors, and the members’ directory.


3/ Collection of Personal Data

“Personal Data” refers to any information concerning an identified or identifiable natural person (“Data”).

Your Data may be collected in various ways, including when:

Through the MEURENS & RODRIGUES srl website:

  • You fill out an online form: to become a member, subscribe to the newsletter, register for an event, or submit a contact request.

Through the MEURENS & RODRIGUES srl mobile application:

  • To create an account to access the MEURENS & RODRIGUES srl mobile application.
  • To use the members’ directory functionality of the mobile application.
  • To specify your geolocation in the mobile application.

We also collect data from you and your company to provide you with the requested services. This data collection occurs throughout the year and is made available to the entire team of collaborators (email, mobile number, name, first name, title, gender).

MEURENS & RODRIGUES srl collects the following categories of data:

  • Company name / Position within the company
  • Name / First name
  • Email
  • Phone number
  • Postal code
  • VAT number


4/ Data Processing

MEURENS & RODRIGUES srl may process your data for the following purposes:

  • Information/Promotional Offers
  • Contact
  • Newsletter Subscription
  • Event Registration
  • Membership Registration

We may use your Data to inform you about our latest products, services, special offers, newsletters, or personalized offers that we believe may be of interest to you based on your role.

If you wish to be informed through electronic communication about our offers, newsletters, and products and services, or if you want to receive personalized offers, you can give your consent for this.

If you no longer wish to receive these communications, you can also withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us. Our contact details are available below.

If MEURENS & RODRIGUES srl engages in automated decision-making, you will be informed in advance about the underlying logic and possible legal consequences. Redistribution of collected data to third-party structural sponsors and members’ directory.


5/ Compliance with Our Legal Obligations

You always have the right to access your Data and have oversight of it.

To access your Data, you must submit a written request to MEURENS & RODRIGUES srl through one of the following methods:

  • By email:
  • In writing to the following address: MEURENS & RODRIGUES srl – BP 9 – 4880 Aubel – Belgium

Rights of Objection and Withdrawal

We are committed to providing you with the right of objection and withdrawal regarding your personal information.

The right of objection refers to the ability of users to refuse the use of their personal information for certain purposes mentioned during collection.

To exercise these rights, you can contact us through the following methods:

  • By email:
  • In writing to the following address: MEURENS & RODRIGUES srl – BP 9 – 4880 Aubel – Belgium
  • By phone: +32 (0) 87 68 79 59

The right of withdrawal refers to the ability of users to request that their personal information no longer be included, for example, in a mailing list. You always have the right to correct or delete inaccurate, incomplete, inappropriate, or outdated Data.

In exercising this right, we ask you to clearly indicate which processing(s) you oppose or which consent you wish to withdraw.

If you wish to exercise your rights, we ask you to provide proof of your identity to prevent any unauthorized disclosure or use of your Data. Therefore, please include a copy of the front of your ID card with your request. This copy will only be used by us to implement the rights you are exercising.

For completeness, we also inform you of your right to lodge a complaint with the Privacy Commission ( if MEURENS & RODRIGUES srl does not respond to your request for access to your Data, if MEURENS & RODRIGUES srl refuses your request, or if our response does not meet your expectations within the legal deadlines. You also have this right if you believe that the processing of your Data by MEURENS & RODRIGUES srl would be unlawful.


6/Risks Associated with the Use of Internet and Online Applications

We are committed to maintaining a high level of confidentiality by incorporating the latest technological innovations to ensure the privacy of your transactions. However, as no mechanism provides maximum security, there is always some level of risk when using the Internet to transmit personal information.


7/ Collection of Data & Technical Information

  1. Log Date
  2. What types of cookies do we use?
  3. Cookie Management
  4. Information about the Device


Data Log:

When you visit our website, our servers record information (“log data”), including information that your browser automatically sends when you visit a website or that your mobile application automatically sends when you use it.

This log data includes:

  • Your IP address
  • Browser type and settings
  • Date and time of your request
  • Cookie data and device data

If you wish, you can obtain more details about the types of information we collect in our logs. (Contact:


Cookie Data:

We also use “cookies” (small text files sent by your computer each time you visit our website, specific to your browser) or similar technologies to capture log data.

When we use cookies or other similar technologies, we use session cookies (which last until you close your browser) or persistent cookies (which last until you or your browser delete them).

Cookies are activated and used during your navigation on the MEURENS & RODRIGUES srl website. These are small text files, usually consisting of numbers and letters, which pose no security risk to your computer, tablet, or smartphone.

Cookies allow us to:

  • Understand visitor behavior on different pages of the site
  • Measure visitor activity on the site and their frequency of return to adapt the site to the use of its visitors
  • Measure the number of visits, the number of pages viewed

You can view these different cookies and learn about their utility through the list below.

These cookies are enabled by default on your web browser. However, you can configure your browser to notify you each time cookies are created and potentially prevent their creation. Here are the steps for the four main browsers:

Access to our site will not be denied if you disable cookies, but some features may not be available.

The listing and explanations below were written in English and come directly from the cited services.


WordPress Cookies
  • wordpress_[hash] : On login, wordpress uses the wordpress_[hash] cookie to store your authentication details. Its use is limited to the admin console area, /wp-admin/
  • wordpress_logged_in_[hash] : After login, wordpress sets the wordpress_logged_in_[hash] cookie, which indicates when you’re logged in, and who you are, for most interface use.
  • wp-settings-{time}-[UID] : WordPress also sets a few wp-settings-{time}-[UID] cookies. The number on the end is your individual user ID from the users database table. This is used to customize your view of admin interface, and possibly also the main site interface.
  • wordpress_test_cookie : Tests whether or not the browser has cookies enabled.

The actual cookies contain hashed data, so you don’t have to worry about someone gleaning your username and password by reading the cookie data. A hash is the result of a specific mathematical formula applied to some input data (in this case your user name and password, respectively). It’s quite hard to reverse a hash (bordering on practical infeasibility with today’s computers). This means it is very difficult to take a hash and “unhash” it to find the original input data.

WordPress uses the two cookies to bypass the password entry portion of wp-login.php. If WordPress recognizes that you have valid, non-expired cookies, you go directly to the WordPress Administration interface. If you don’t have the cookies, or they’re expired, or in some other way invalid (like you edited them manually for some reason), WordPress will require you to log in again, in order to obtain new cookies.


Google analytics Cookies
  • _gat : This cookie has a ten minute timeout. This cookie does not store any user information, it’s just used to limit the number of requests that have to be made to
  • _ga : This cookie has a 2 years timeout. Used to distinguish users.
  • _gid : This cookie has a 24 hours timeout. Used to distinguish users.

Google Analytics Cookie Usage on Websites : collection/analyticsjs/cookie-usage


Ninja Forms Cookies
  • nf_wp_session : To manage visitor contact form interactions with the site.


Other Cookies
  • PHPSESSID : To identify your unique session on the website
  • cookie bar : To store if the user has hidden the cookie bar


Device Information:

In addition to log data, we collect information about the device you use to visit our website:

  • Device type
  • Operating system
  • Settings
  • Blocking data
  • Geolocation data

The collection of all or part of this information often depends on the type of device you are using and its settings. For example, different types of information are available depending on whether you are using a Mac or a PC, or an iPhone or an Android phone. To learn more about the information your device provides to us, refer to the rules of your device manufacturer or software provider.

However, this information is not recorded with your profile and is therefore anonymous.

As for geolocation data, it is captured when you are logged into your account and use the members’ directory function of the MEURENS & RODRIGUES srl mobile application, and it is only used within that context. A malicious individual could potentially check if you are within a radius of x km/m from your location.


8/ Data Storage Duration :

The storage duration applies to user and event data associated with cookies, user identifiers (User ID, for example), and advertising identifiers (DoubleClick cookies, Android advertising identifier, Apple advertising identifier for advertisers, for example).

The data storage and retention period is set at 26 months.

When the storage period expires, the data will be automatically deleted each month.

If the storage duration is changed, the affected data is deleted during the next monthly cycle. For example, if the duration is changed from 26 to 14 months, all data older than 14 months is deleted during the next monthly cycle.

For more information on the storage duration of your data, we invite you to consult Google’s documentation on the matter. (

9/ Modifications and Updates :

MEURENS & RODRIGUES srl reserves the right to modify the “Privacy Policy.”

Company Contact Information:

Company Name: MEURENS & RODRIGUES srl

Registered Office: Rue de Battice, 53 – 4880 Aubel – Belgium

VAT: BE 0812 372 822

Tel.: +32 (0) 87 68 79 59